Canadian Links
This webpage provides links to different political actors and research sources in Canada. Below, each organization is categorized in terms of its main type or issue focus and then in terms of its overall ideological leaning. The different type/issue categories are as follows:
Political Parties/Platforms/ Partisan Think Tanks
Party Platforms
Archive of Canadian party election platforms in PDF format. Also has throne speeches, budget speeches, Auditor-General reports, etc.
Canada's main centre-left political party.
Canada's main left political party.
A small party representing green and left views.
A centre-left and Liberal party-leaning networking think tank.
Canada's main progressive and NDP-leaning networking think tank.
Canada's main centre-right political party..
A small party representing populist conservative views.
A small party representing social conservative views.
A small party representing libertarian views.
New centrist-centre-right political party (formerly Centre Ice Canadians/Conservatives).
Canada Strong and Free Network
Canada's main conservative networking think tank (formerly known as the Manning Institute for Promoting Democracy).
A conservative advocacy group once headed by former Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Media/Social Media Outlets
The comment page of Canada's primary national-level, conservative-leaning newspaper that reports on current issues (part of the Postmedia Network).
Sun Newspapers opinion pages: Toronto Sun, Ottawa Sun, Calgary Sun, Edmonton Sun, Winnipeg Sun.
Canada's primary chain of conservative tabloid newspapers (part of the Postmedia Network).
Other Postmedia Network Newspapers: Ottawa Citizen, Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal, Regina-Leader Post, Saskatoon StarPhoenix
A right-leaning online news outlet.
Canada's leading conservative social media outlet and meme generator on Facebook and Twitter. Has provincial versions as well e.g. Ontario Proud.
A right-leaning online news outlet.
A right-leaning online news outlet.
A right-leaning online news outlet.
A farther right online news outlet.
A right-leaning online news magazine.
A farther right online news outlet.
Canada's primary mixed/centrist national newspaper.
Polling aggregator and news website.
Opinion page of Canada's primary national, progressive-leaning newspaper.
Canada's progressive-leaning national public broadcaster.
A left-leaning news webpage produced by the Broadbent Institute.
A left-leaning online news outlet.
A farther left online news outlet.
A farther left online news outlet.
A left-leaning online news outlet.
A left-leaning online news outlet.
International Socialists (Canada)/Social Worker magazine
A farther left online news magazine.
A left-leaning social media outlet and meme generator (formerly known as North99).
Foreign Policy
Government department responsible for international diplomacy, trade, sanctions, aid, and development.
Department of National Defense (DND)
Government department responsible for national defense policy and the Canadian Armed Forces.
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
Canada's national security intelligence service.
Communications Security Establishment (CSE)
Canada's national signals intelligence service.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
Government department responsible for immigration and refugees policy.
Other Federal Departments and Agencies
Government site with alphabetical list and links to all federal government departments and agencies.
See the International Links page for the various international organizations that relate to Canadian foreign policy such as NATO, NORAD, Five Eyes, G7, G20, etc.
A prominent conservative-leaning think tank that promotes conservative foreign policy and free market economics.
Centre for Advancing Canada’s Interests Abroad
The foreign policy component of the broader MacDonald-Laurier Institute
A conservative-leaning think tank focused on national security policy.
Conference of Defence Associations
A conservative-leaning research and advocacy group representing the views of retired and active Canadian Armed Forces members.
Canadian Global Affairs Institute
A centrist/centre-right think tank focused on Canadian foreign policy.
Centre for International Governance Innovation
A centrist/mixed think tank that focuses on global governance policy development.
A centrist/mixed think tank that focuses on Canada-Asia relations.
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
A left-leaning organization that educates the public on Canadian foreign policies.
The Rideau Institute of International Affairs
A left-leaning think tank focused on foreign and defence policy.
The Institute for Peace and Diplomacy: A Progressive Foreign Policy Think Tank
A left-leaning think tank that advocates for military restraint and diplomacy.
A left-leaning charitable and advocacy organization that focuses on international development and women's rights.
A left-leaning project under the Rideau Institute that advocates for increased arms control and nuclear disarmament.
A left-leaning research institute that develops policies aimed at reducing armed conflict.
A left-leaning organization that raises awareness about the consequences of weapons of mass destruction.
Canadian Council for Refugees
Advocacy group promoting pro-refugee rights and policies.
Left-leaning watchdog group that focuses on Canadian mining companies abroad.
Economic Policy
Canada's central bank responsible for monetary (interest rate) policy.
Government department responsible for fiscal policy (taxes, spending, budgets).
POLTEXT website: Budget Speeches
Has budget speeches delivered by ministers of finance (federal and provincial). Also has Auditor-General reports.
Parliamentary officer that provides independent audits of government finances.
Government's national statistics office.
Other Federal Departments and Agencies
Government site with alphabetical list and links to all federal government departments and agencies.
A prominent conservative-leaning think tank that promotes free market economics and other issues.
A prominent conservative-leaning think tank that promotes free market economics and conservative foreign policy.
The business section of the National Post that discusses key economic issues from primarily fiscal conservative and libertarian perspectives.
A prominent conservative-leaning and pro-business think tank that focuses mainly on economic issues.
A prominent conservative advocacy group that promotes tax cuts and other conservative economic policies.
A prominent business lobby group that focuses on economic and other issues (formerly known as Canadian Council of Chief Executives).
A prominent business lobby group that focuses on economic and other issues.
Canadian Federation of Independent Business
A prominent business lobby group that represents small and medium-sized businesses.
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association
An industry association that has research and submissions on manufacturing and trade issues.
Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada
A conservative-leaning pro-business advocacy group.
An conservative-leaning educational organization with background readings and lectures on free market economics and libertarian ideas.
A conservative-leaning think tank that promotes free market economics related to economic, energy, and environmental issues.
Frontier Centre for Public Policy
A conservative-leaning think tank that focuses on economic and orther issues.
A conservative-leaning think tank that promotes free market economics and other issues.
A conservative-leaning think tank that promotes free market economics and other issues.
TD Bank economics research.
A centrist/mixed think tank focused on economic and other issues.
A centrist/mixed think tank focused on economic and other issues.
Institute for Research on Public Policy's online journal with useful short articles on Canadian public policy issues.
A centrist think tank focused on economic and environmental issues.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Canada's most prominent left-leaning think tank that promotes interventionist policies related to economic, social, environmental, and trade policies.
Canada's main trade union federation and advocacy group.
The largest private sector union in Canada that represents workers in all major industries and that is politically active.
Institute for Research on Public Policy
A centre-left think tank that conducts research on economic and social policy.
Long-standing progressive advocacy group focusing on economic and environmental policy.
Centre for the Study of Living Standards
An organization that researches trends in living standards and accordingly, drafts and proposes policies.
A left-leaning think tank that releases articles discussing social policies.
A farther-left, socialist organization that advocates for labour rights, feminism, environmental laws, indigenous rights, etc.
Environment and Energy Policy
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Government department responsible for environmental and climate change policy.
Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development
Appointed by the Auditor-General to provide Parliament with independent analysis on the federal government’s efforts to protect the environment.
Alberta government's 'war room' for promoting Canadian oil and energy products.
Other Federal Departments and Agencies
Government site with alphabetical list and links to all federal government departments and agencies.
See the International Links page for various international environmental organizations such as the UNEP.
A left-leaning think tank that conducts research and makes policy recommendations on existing energy policies.
A left-leaning organization composed of economists who research and propose 'practical' ecofiscal policies.
Left-leaning Quebec-based environmental advocacy group.
A left-leaning think tank focused on climate policy.
A prominent left-leaning environmental advocacy group.
A prominent left-leaning environmental advocacy group.
A prominent left-leaning environmental advocacy group.
A left-leaning advocacy group that conducts research on toxic chemicals, plastic pollution, and water quality.
A prominent left-leaning environmental advocacy group.
A prominent left-leaning environmental advocacy group.
International Institute for Sustainable Development
A left-leaning think tank that promotes sustainable governance practices in international policy.
A centrist think tank focused on economic and environmental issues.
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
A right-leaning lobby group that represents oil and natural gas businesses.
A prominent conservative-leaning think tank that promotes free market economics and other issues.
A prominent conservative-leaning think tank that promotes free market economics and conservative foreign policy.
The business section of the National Post that discusses key economic issues from primarily fiscal conservative and libertarian perspectives.
A prominent conservative-leaning and pro-business think tank that focuses mainly on economic issues.
Modern Miracle Network (pro-oil)
A blog and advocacy group that promotes oil production and discusses the impact of the industry on indigenous communities.
Canada's largest oil and natural gas advocacy organizations.
Gender, Race, and 'Culture War' Policy
Women and Gender Equality Canada
Government department responsible for advancing gender equality including 2SLGBTQI rights.
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Independent commission that investigates human rights complaints.
Directory of Organizations for Women
List and links of women's departments and organizations operating at the provincial, national, and international levels. List provided by the Manitoba government.
See the International Links page for various international organizations related to women, 2SLGBTQI rights, and gender issues such as UNWomen.
Left-leaning gender justice advocacy group.
Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)
Left-leaning legal advocacy group focused on promoting gender equality.
Native Women's Association of Canada
Left-leaning indigenous advocacy group promoting the well-being of Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people.
Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
Left-leaning pro-choice advocacy group.
A left-leaning pro-choice advocacy group also known as Planned Parenthood Canada.
A left-leaning advocacy group for 2SLGBTQI rights.
Vanier Institute of the Family
A left-leaning think tank focused on the economic, social, and cultural factors that impact families.
A left-leaning advocacy group that emerged during the #BLM movement.
A left-wing non-profit organization that researches and develops solutions to hate groups and hate crimes.
A left-leaning lobby group that advocates for greater gun control policies.
A Montreal-based gun control group.
Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns
A left-leaning organization that focuses on advocacy and influencing public policy about gun control.
An organization that protects journalists and promotes media freedom.
Women's Enterprise Organizations of Canada
Network of organizations promoting women in business
An advocacy group that promotes the nuclear family and socially conservative views (e.g. pro-life, anti-feminism, etc.).
A prominent pro-life and socially conservative advocacy group.
A prominent pro-life and socially conservative advocacy group.
A prominent socially conservative think tank promoting Christian values.
Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
An evangelical association that promotes socially conservatives ideas.
Canada Family Action Coalition
A social conservative advocacy group promoting Christian values.
A social conservative legal defense advocacy group..
A social conservative legal defense advocacy group.
An anti-immigration lobby group and organization that advocates for an annual 25,000 new immigrant cap.
True North Centre for Public Policy
A conservative online news and commentary website that primarily reports on immigration and integration.
Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights
Canada's main gun rights advocacy group.
An association that promotes the safe-use of firearms and advocates for increased gun rights.
Canadian Shooting Sports Association
An association that advocates for access to firearms for shooting sports.
Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association
An association that promotes firearms in hunting and shooting sports.
Democratic, Constitutional, and Indigenous Policy
Independent agency that administer Canada's federal elections.
Independent commissioner that administers the Lobbying Act.
Library of Parliament: Research Publications
Page contains searchable database of research publications and links to related sources such as LEGISInfo and Hill Notes.
House of Commons Debates (Hansard)
Transcripts of House of Commons debates provided by the Parliament of Canada.
Senate Committees and Reports
List of Senate Committees (see Committees tab at top) and access to committee policy reports.
Department of Justice
Government department responsible for Canada's justice system.
Canada's highest court.
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
Government department responsible for indigenous relations and policy.
Prominent indigenous advocacy group.
Native Women's Association of Canada
Indigenous advocacy group promoting the well-being of Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people.
Prominent indigenous advocacy group
Left-leaning advocacy group promoting democratic reform, government accountability, and corporate responsibility. Also has good links page to various government organizations.
An organization that advocates for fair and equal access to voting.
Advocacy group focused on democratic research and civic engagement.
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Legal advocacy group focused on the promotion of civil liberties.
Canadian Constitution Foundation
A legal-focused advocacy group.
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
A legal advocacy organization.
Polling Firms
Polling aggregator and news website.
A non-profit opinion research firm.
A Canadian public opinion and market research firm that was the main pollster to the Liberal Party of Canada during the 1993, 1997, and 2000 election campaigns.
Canada's largest public opinion polling and market research firm that studies Canadian financial services, retail, telecommunications, etc.
A public opinion and market research firm that conducts public polling, opinion, and private market research.
An organization that conducts market-research based on AI-driven social media tracking (useful to follow during elections).
A Canadian analytics and market research company.
A research company specializing in social and economic research (public opinion research, strategic communications advice, etc.).
A not-for-profit company that offers services in communications, consulting, and market research.
A market research and polling firm that is known for its predictions in the 2011 Canadian federal election and 2010 Toronto municipal election.
A Canadian polling and market research firm that is often cited in major news outlets, such as the National Post and The Globe and Mail.